mardi 19 août 2014

How To Profit With Ambit Energy

By Ricardo Interpermian

Ambit Energy representatives: Are you devoted to building a large business? If that's the case, read this entire article right now.

If you wish to become a top earner, the way to do it is to implement a promotional plan that puts your message in front of thousands of people - not merely a handful of friends, family members and people you know.

You MUST learn to market!

Below are 3 strategies 7-figure earners taught me I have successfully used to take my business to an entirely new level:

- Think Like A Top Earner

The most important factor in your success or failure in Ambit Energy is mindset. Running a business demands a very different mentality than being an employee. It's critical you cultivate a mindset of strength, fortitude and conviction in yourself.

Network marketers often believe skills like prospecting and closing will make them successful. Your thoughts and beliefs are more important than your skills.

What you focus on is what you will create in your life and your business. You'll always be able to learn the skills necessary to build a Ambit Energy business. But without the proper mindset, you will quit the business before you've implemented any of these skills.

In order to grow a thriving Ambit Energy business, you have to believe a few things:

- No matter what happens, I will find a way to be successful

- I will persist long past when others quit

- I am self-sufficient. I don't depend on my sponsor or upline

- There's a powerful and compelling reason I build my business

- I have a goal that is measurable, realistic and specific

Do what's required to adopt a new mindset: Hire a coach, attend workshops, and participate in live calls with mindset experts. Make mindset a priority, and your Ambit Energy will benefit greatly.

- Massive Action Makes The Difference

Massive action is something all top earners in companies such as Ambit Energy take. Take massive action to build your business. Taking massive action means ruthlessly executing the critical tasks in your business every day. It means you move ahead no matter what. stands in your way.

Massive action means emailing your list every day, when most people email their list whenever they feel like it. Massive action is blogging for five months straight every day, while everyone else quits in the first month because it takes to long to get results.

Focus energetically on the Ambit Energy business tasks that make money, such as signing up new reps. Reduce useless time wasters, like getting organized, watching TV, and busywork. Work consistently. That means work your business 5-6 days per week. Commit to going whatever it takes, as long as it takes.

Get out of your comfort zone. Stop making excuses. Hire a mindset coach. Work on your Ambit Energy business, even if you don't feel like it. Create a schedule so you get your business tasks done each day.

To succeed in business, you will have to change and adopt new habitual thoughts and new habits of action. Massive action is the secret you must implement to dominate in your Ambit Energy business.

- Make Use Of Social Media

Websites that are social are those that allow users to comment or otherwise reply about content they consume. Collectively, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube have over a billion users! You can attract a lot of traffic and generate a lot of leads on social media sites.

The extreme majority of users on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are over 25. Your Ambit Energy business requires a social media strategy. Otherwise you will be left behind.

Reps in companies like Ambit Energy usually use social media the wrong way. These reps spam the social media sites with content about their opportunity. Here are several ways to skillfully use social media to market your Ambit Energy business:

- Consider social media sites like you would a party.. When you are introduced to someone at a party, do you quickly start telling them all about your Ambit Energy opportunity? No. That's not the way to act on social media websites. Do not lead with your opportunity first, on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

- Your first priority on social media sites is to connect with people. You must develop a relationship.

- Make your Facebook updates, Youtube videos, and Tweets enlightening, instructive or entertaining.

- Under no circumstances is it OK to spam about your opportunity on someone's Facebook wall. On Youtube, post only instructional videos, not highly promotional videos about your opportunity.

- Your social media strategy is to lead with educational content. Lessons that teach network marketers how to solve their business problems. Educational videos with valuable teaching lessons.

- If you're consistent, some of your followers will contact YOU about your business.

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