vendredi 28 février 2014

Internet Marketing Millionaires

By Adah Bumpaus

I bet you have heard a lot of stories about people going from rags to riches through the Internet. Well a lot of these stories are true and some of them are slightly exaggerated.

The Internet industry is hot right now. People are investing a lot of money into it to try and build a dynasty online. So what does it take to actually become an Internet Millionaire?

I was blogging, doing paid traffic and all sorts of stuff and just not getting anywhere.

Who are some Internet Marketing Millionaires? Here are some people that I know have earned over one million US dollars online.

While I was trying to do everything, I couldn't say that I had this success. I focused down on blogging, became an expert and then the results followed. It really is that simple.

Blogging and article marketing is generally for people who have less start up funds and more time. Blogging takes longer to get traffic, but costs less (depending on how long it takes you to master). You can also outsource any of these techniques at a price.

Video marketing is a hot topic right now. Shooting videos about a certain topic and getting them to rank on Google and YouTube is a way to instantly connect with your customers because they get to know you quicker. It is a really powerful tool right now and if you master it, great success will come.

So once they have goals, they get good mentors and teachers and learn how to get to where they want to go. If you want it bad enough, though, it's there for the taking.

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