lundi 17 février 2014

How To Improve Your Google Rank

By Al Dancel

Are you struggling with Google? I hear it a lot so I decided to put some tips together on how to improve your Google rank.

If you are a blogger, website or video person you probably are tied to our big brother Google. These is life outside Google and ways you can run a business that doesn't deal with Google for your information but I won't be discussing that here.

The second thing to know is on page SEO. You need to optimize your content with a picture, video and a good amount of keywords. You want somewhere around 1%-2% of keywords in your article and about 450 words minimum. This isn't optional, it's another must. If you are using word press or the like, there are some great plugins you can use to make things easier.

So article builder works very easily. Just sign up and pay for the monthly fee and get ready for it to produce a lot of articles for you. It really involves just picking a topic that you want the article to be about, maybe typing a keyword in and then choosing how long you want the article to be. How simple is that?

So you need to know about stuff like social media, backlinks, on page and off page SEO.

The problem is though that there are so many programs out there that don't produce good content at all. These programs are either free or don't cost much and basically aren't worth using at all.

With my first ever attempt at blogging, I never used a paid tool and my results showed. Get a good paid keyword tool like market samurai. So here are a few tips on exactly how to improve your Google rank. All you need to do now is go out there and get started.

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