dimanche 19 janvier 2014

The Doctor: How To Promote Your Business

By Colin Burnett

Hey, how are you today?

I get a lot of people messaging me on-line wondering how come there are a lot of guys making money on the Internet now and for the last few years.

It is true. I see it a lot, people using their flash cars or houses to promote their business. You also can't deny that there are some people who have done really well on-line. Take Mike Dillard, Dave Wood, Dave Sharpe and Johnathan Budd for examples.

So if you have a really good member of your team who knows how to promote your business, you are on the front foot straight away.

The thing though is that you need to have one!

If you are flying solo, you can easily learn few business promotion techniques though.

If you are reading this and going yeh whatever and just want to plow ahead with your business.....please stop. I mean if you are wondering why your business is broke and hopeless, listen to my advice.

Brand yourself. Really get outthere and put yourself in front of people who are interested in your services, whether you use blogs, websites, paid advertising or off-line advertising, get in fron of the right people.

Aaron Rashkin said: Get the right message in front of the right people at the right time. If you do this right you have potentially just made a lifelong customer for your business.

My second tip on how to promote your business is a bit old school. There is still a place for off-line advertising if you have an old-school off-line business. If for example you own the local cafe, a few signs in the RIGHT places can really improve business.

I am no expert in off-line advertising as there is just such a massive market on-line nowadays. The truth though is that it is the way of the future.

If you have smaller off-line businesses though, other ways of advertising are fine.

Cashflow. Don't go crazy with your advertising budget especially if you don't know what you are doing. This is coming from the guy who blogged about 180 times and never realised that he and to promote them.

Once you start treating your business like a business, start spending money on your education and promotion, you will get better results.

This leads onto my last business promotion tip.

As with on-line affiliate marketing, the customer is actually buying YOU and not your product. How may this work you might say? Well they will only join your company if they trust you. I learned that very early on in my career.

It means that you should be genuine when communicating with your customers. If you aren't they will easily see through you and your business will suffer and be fake.

An example of this is me buying training products off people I trust on-line. Some of them I have never met in person but the way they communicate with me, they have my trust.

This is how to promote any type of business today. If you have a large social media presence, you will have visitors or 'traffic' as you say on-line. You can then put these guys through a process and convert right into cold hard cash and revenue for your business.

Get Started!

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