jeudi 30 janvier 2014

Important Information About Plastic Food Packaging

By Serena Price

Food storage and packaging is one activity that really began a long time ago and has also been taking place up to date. The main reason as to why this has always been done is so as to ensure that edible material lasts for a long time without getting spoilt and even so as to make the process of storing easy. As time has gone by, individuals have discovered plastic food packaging as a method of food storage. Since its discovery, it has gained a lot of popularity because of the numerous advantages it has.

To begin with, plastic packaging is a method of storing and packing items and especially edibles in plastic containers. Plastic containers are very diverse and of many shapes since they range from tetra packs, conical, cuboid and many more. Polythene bags and papers are also examples of plastics and are also widely used in the process of packaging.

Prior to the actual process of packing, there is one factor that is normally taken into consideration so as to arrive at the most ideal way of packaging. This factor is the type and nature of edibles to be stored which is either liquid or solid. For solids, the most ideal way of storage is in solid plastic containers. The reason is mainly because solids are considered to be a bit rough and therefore require a method of packaging that can sustain them. Others can also be stored in polythene bags these are mostly the light ones.

Liquids on the other hand are usually stored in tetra packs with a very good example being milk. Polythene papers are also preferred in this case since the tender and soft nature of liquids can do no harm to the storage items. Some other liquids can also be parked in conical solid containers depending on the manufacturer's preferences and needs.

Just before packaging has been done, there is normally one activity that is normally undertaken. This is so as to ensure and ascertain that high levels of hygiene are observed. In this process, thorough and proper sterilization and disinfection has to be done to ensure that no traces of harmful microorganisms have a place in the containers. After this has been done, there is maximum assurance and guarantee that the edibles stored will last for the required time span without going bad.

The great preference for this method has been as a result of the many advantages with which this method has come with. First of all this is a very cheap method to use since not much resource is required. In addition, it is greatly preferred since food stored in this method really last for long periods of time without going bad. Because of this, it is mainly used to store substances for people living and working in famine stricken areas.

Apart from the advantages it has, this is a method that has contributed immensely to environmental pollution. This is due to the careless disposal of the plastic materials which has led to loss of biodiversity. In addition, these materials to not decay hence remain scattered all over the surroundings.

Plastic food packaging is one method of food storage that should be highly advocated for because of its advantages. However, individuals should also be cautious on its effects to the environs.

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