jeudi 5 mars 2015

Racism In Professional Sports Managements

By Leslie Ball

The African American individuals are discriminated everywhere in almost every single thing in humanity. Nevertheless when it comes to the sports arena, the actions is quite different. There are several players from the black American decent who have by now been able to establish successful career in many types of games like football, athletics and basketball among others. This article analyses racism in professional sports.

When the choosing of the team members is being done, people are qualified based on their level of skill. It is not possible to practice racism in such a case because if someone from the preferred race does not know how to play they cannot be forced. The coaches have to be genuine because in the end they want their teams to be good performers. This is why the sports teams have a variety of people from different races.

However, in spite of this view, people continue to have different opinions on this matter. Some people still believe that to some extent there is still some form of racism in athletics. Some people feel that the black American players are not being included in these jobs as professional coaches. Many also feel like the most important positions in many games are mainly offered to the white people.

A particular research was conducted a few years ago and the findings say that most sporting games such as athletics and football are dominated by the black players but in management, the white counterparts dominate them. The ordinary number of African-Americans who may be ready to work in management positions is very big yet they are never being hired.

The commissioners of different sporting teams need to be people who are more in touch with what is happening in these teams. For this reason, if the blacks dominate the players then it is only right that they also dominate that management teams because they clearly know a lot about the sports they are involved in.

It is clear that very many white managers and players are still having a very hard time accepting the African people and they show it openly. For example, there is a team manager who was recently heard on tape telling his girlfriend that she must stop posting pictures with African American men especially in her social media pages.

Many people have kept quiet about their feelings towards the colored people just because of the consequences they would face after making their remarks but the truth is people have not fully accepted that all people are equal. This is why many people unknowingly make remarks that show their racist sides even without them knowing.

In conclusion, despite the few bad people in the society discriminating others, there are still many others who have come out trying to support the fight against racists. This situation has highly improved that the first black president was elected in the United States of America. Many people have since realized that all people are equal but with different skin colors. This is the message that the sports managements are required to understand.

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