jeudi 12 mars 2015

The Art And Science Of SEO

By Rafael Zabala

The year was circa 2000, and the world was freaking out over Y2K... Do you remember that far back? Dot Com bubble had recently bursted and cost BILLIONS to investors. Google was just 2 years old and I still had a beeper! (OK, I know that I am dating myself here)... it was a crazy time to get into Online Marketing. Can you believe that back then we had to explain to businesses why it was important to be on the web? wow... how things have changed!

This is when I started my Online Marketing career. I was part of a new wave of marketers that realized that marketing online was all about tracking & GENERATING ROI. I saw Google take over the world, and how Search Marketing would revolutionize businesses forever.

TIME FLIES WHEN YOU ARE HAVING FUN! I can not believe that 15 years have gone by. Thousands of page one rankings, and a zoo of Google changes (Pandas, Penguins, Hummingbirds, oh my!) and I STILL LOVE WHAT I DO! I am truly proud of the work I do and hope I am able to share it with you.

Let me offer you the advantages of my 15 years "in the SEO trenches". For a limited time I am offering a FREE analysis of your business and site. This is a strategic analysis that looks at your business as well as your competition. We use the same information to help our clients double or triple results!

My winning approach is simple. I have used it to increase traffic and conversions successfully in Google for bor both B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer) sites nationwide.


(I look forward to sharing the actual reports and my references when we meet!)

I have ranked and maintained 1000's of Google Page #1 rankings for both B2B and B2C sites nationwide.

It takes patience and dedication to DO SEO. I have tracked the Search Engine changes and fine tuned my white hat approach to maximize results while maintaining highest quality.

Did you see the stats in my example above? 350% to 820% traffic increase!

Some of our clients have seen A LOT MORE!!! Let me share with you case studies and references of projects we have over 750% increases!

I am local to Alpharetta, available to work with you, and my rates are better value than most Agencies!

I want to provide you with the personal service that you deserve. Marketing for your business is personal, and you deserve to work directly with the expert.

About the Author: