samedi 24 janvier 2015

Frankincense Oil Has Been Known To Be Beneficial For Literally Ages Now

By Janine Hughes

Some beauty secrets go centuries back. Frankincense oil is a great product to use for ones skin care or anything else even relating to skin. It can be used on rashes, scrapes, burns and even infected sores. Many people are using it to help with premature aging as well as any skin that has been damaged by the environment.

There are four species of these trees that make the true resin and they are also available in different grades. These grades depend entirely on the time that they are harvested. All resin is sorted by hand so as only the best is used.

It is considered as the holy anointing oil in the Middle East where it has been used for thousands of years during religious ceremonies. During the ancient times it was considered to be even more sought after then gold and only the very wealthy were in possession of it. The Egyptians used it in masks to rejuvenate their skin and was believed to treat any disease at the time.

In the 16th century all perfume was used to mask body odours as not many believed in bathing very often. This resulted in the perfume industry being created. An Italian barber who resided in Germany created perfumed water and named it Aqua Admirabilis, better known today as eau de cologne. In the year 1731 his nephew, Giovanni Farina took over the business.

For those that are finding the conventional medications getting more and more expensive people are now turning to using these in certain cases. Pulling a muscle can be very painful and when using drugs it can cause all sorts of different problems, with these oils it helps to alleviate the pain as well as leaving a very pleasant odour. It is a great way to increase ones energy levels as well as clearing up eczema.

These beetles have extremely long antenna compared to their bodies. There are over twenty thousand different species and about seven of those are considered to be pests. The larvae bore into the wood which cause great damage if not treated. They have also been known to damage houses causing the wood to become weak and collapse.

To make mix the coconut oil, salt and clay in a bowl and adding water a little at a time work with a spoon until a cream is produced. Add the peppermint to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Store in a container and use a small amount for both adults and children.

The oils come in different types and the quality is graded on the age, shape, purity as well as the aroma and colour it produces. The higher grades are considered to be the silver and Hojari. More than eighty percent is produced in Somalia while others are obtained in Southern Arabia. The oil is obtained by a method known as steam distillation and the smell of the smoke is a product of pyrolysis.

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