lundi 30 décembre 2013

Why You Should Use BPA Free Plastic Containers

By Eugenia Dickerson

BPA stands for Bisphenol A and is a chemical that is implemented in the manufacture of hard plastics. Ongoing research has revealed that the safety of food preparation when using such products may be compromised when using items that contain the particular chemical. Recently, consumer attention has turned to the use of BPA free plastic containers to prevent exposure to the potential toxicity of this substance.

The National Toxicity Program has kept a close eye on the manufacture of goods containing Bisphenol A and recognized it has the potential to increase risk for growth abnormalities, early stages of puberty, hormone problems, fertility issues, and possible development of cancer. The chemical has been shown to absorb into the food when it is heated in plastics. It is best to seek alternatives to ensure that exposure is minimized.

It is important that young, growing children are provided storage and utensils that are labeled as BPA free to prevent exposure to this chemical. It may impact on normal developmental abilities from behavior to physical attributes and should therefore be removed from the pantry or kitchen where goods are stored and heated. Taking the necessary precautionary steps can protect from potential harmful exposure.

Products should always state that it is BPA free to provide peace of mind that it has been produced without the inclusion of this chemical. If you cannot find any information with regards to Bisphenol A, it may be indicated by the recycling number that should not be greater than 7. It is possible to find substances that are not manufactured with toxic properties that could impact on healthy living and normal development.

It is best to search for kitchenware manufacturers in the industry with a focus on products that do not contain the harsh chemical. There are many products available without BPA and should be used rather than cheaper alternatives including food storage, jars, and drinking bottles. Such items can be used in a dishwasher and for various microwave heating purposes.

There are many health benefits provided for those who make the decision to use plastics that do not contain Bisphenol A. Research has revealed that the chemical does not only enter food when heated in containers that include the harmful substance, but there is the possibility of absorbing through the skin when coming into contact with it. The major benefit of searching for replacements is the fact that your family will not be exposed to a harmful toxin.

One may find the chemical free product range online or with a search at the local store. The different labels should reveal its recycling numbers or the fact that it does not contain Bisphenol A. Research with regards to the impact of such toxins remains ongoing, but consumers are warned against using regular plastics that are not approved.

In the search for canned goods, assess the labels. In many of the canned goods that are manufactured today, the lining of the tin contains Bisphenol A. All foods should be warmed and stored in BPA free plastic containers to prevent against the possibility of chemical exposure that could have serious health consequences over time.

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